Thursday, April 16, 2020

Why Nuclear Fusion Is So Cool....... For A Fusion Reaction To Take Pla

Why nuclear fusion is so cool....... For a fusion reaction to take place, the nuclei, which are positively charged, must have enough kinetic energy to overcome their electrostatic force of repulsion. This can occur either when one nucleus is accelerated to high energies by an accelerating device, or when the energies of both nuclei are raised by the application of very high temperature. The latter method, referred to the application of thermonuclear fusion, is the source of a lot of really cool energy. Enough energy is produced in thermonuclear fusion to suck the paint of 1 city block of houses and give all of the residents permanent orange Afros. The sun is a example of thermonuclear fusion in nature. If I was a atom, I could only wish to be in a thermonuclear reaction. Thermonuclear reactions occur when a proton is accelerated and collides with another proton and then the two protons fuse, forming a deuterium nucleus which has a proton, neutrino and lots of energy. I have no idea what a deuterium nucleus is, but is must be 10 times cooler than just a regular nucleus. Such a reaction is not self sustaining because the released energy is not readily imparted to other nuclei. thermonuclear fusion of deuterium and tritium will produce a helium nucleus and an energetic neutron that can help sustain further fusion. This is the basic principal of the hydrogen bomb which employs a brief, controlled thermonuclear fusion reaction. This was also how the car in the Back to the Future movie worked. It had a much more sophisticated system of producing a fusion reaction from things like, old coffee grounds, bananas, and old beer cans. Thermonuclear reactions depend on high energies, and the possibility of a low-temperature nuclear fusion has generally been discounted. Little does the scientific community know about my experiments. I have produced cold fusion in my basement with things like: stale bread, milk, peanut butter and flat Pepsi. I have been able to produce a ten -megaton reaction which as little as a saltine cracker and some grass clippings. But enough about my discoveries. Early in 1989 two electrochemists startled the scientific world by claiming to achieve a room-temperature fusion in a simple laboratory. They had little proof to back up their discovery, and were not credited with their so-called accomplishment. The two scientists were Stanley Pons of the university of Utah and Martin Fleischmann of the University of Southampton in England. They described their experiment as involving platinum electrodes an electrochemical cell in which palladium and platinum were immersed in heavy water. These two losers said that the cell produced more heat than could be accounted for. Yeah right!! The week before I was talking to both men on the phone and I told them about all of the cool things you could do with platinum. I said "Now Martin, what you need to do is get your hands on some platinum and some heavy Mexican drinking water. The amount of ch emicals in the Mexican drinking water is sure to cause a violent reaction with the platinum electrodes and produce lots of energy. I have been doing this sort of things in my basement for years." When I told him that though that NASA could power their shuttles with this sort of a reaction, he nearly wet his pants. Now as usual, I received no credit for MY discovery, but that is ok..I have grown used to it. I taught Einstein, Newton, and Ron Popeel (inventor of things like the pasto-matic, hair-in-a-can, and the pocket fisherman) everything they know. Besides, the two shmucks didn't even follow my instructions for the experiment. However, until I reveal my secrets about cold fusion, it will remain only a proposed theory. nuclear fusion is also what powers the rest of the stars in the solar system. Stars carry out fusion in a thermonuclear manner. Thermonuclear is a really cool word which I am going to use several more times just because it is so cool. In a thermonuclear reaction mat ter is forced to exist in only in a plasma state, consisting of electrons, positive ions and very few neutral atoms. Fusion reactions that occur within a plasma

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

An Essay on a Course Journey

An Essay on a Course JourneyThe goal of a sample essay is to help students visualize the type of essay that they will need to write for their particular course. To achieve this, it is important to focus on a concept that applies across all the courses in the university. If students know what they need to include, they will be better able to pick and choose the examples that they will use to relate to the theme.A student uses their knowledge of the course to outline the goals that are involved with the class. However, the goals may be different from one instructor to another. For instance, one instructor may want to have students outline their goals as a means of motivating them to succeed in the class. The goal should be specific and the lesson plan accordingly.Students will likely find that their teacher's time is especially valuable. After all, he or she has spent countless hours teaching and instructing. Yet, a student who takes an active role in the writing process can help to st ructure their own lesson plan. Each of the courses in the university require different research methods.Students will likely encounter topics that relate to these various techniques and materials. Students should ask their instructor to detail the structure of each of the courses in the university. From there, students can research the term and the material involved in the class in order to ensure that the assignment is a well-structured project.Finally, the essay should help students envision the course journey. From the beginning of the semester, to the end, the course period should be visualized. It is important to consider any resources that will be available to students. For example, if a student is working on their exams, they may need to complete an exam book.A student should also be able to access many different resources online and offline. As students work through their research and preparation, they should be able to view and download lectures and other materials. This sh ould enable them to research and learn on their own terms. In addition, students should be able to access course notes, assignments, and syllabi at any time they choose.Finally, the essay should make students think about how they will complete their course assignments. While completing the project, students should reflect on the principles that they learned and apply them to their course work. Additionally, they should think about their experiences and reflections of how the course has impacted their lives.Finally, the essay should help students understand the purpose of the course. Students will need to understand the main goals of the school in order to plan their own coursework. By focusing on the central theme of the course, they will be better able to understand their assignment and to understand the kind of essay that they will need to write.